You shall not, for the sake of one individual, change the meaning of principle and integrity, nor endeavour to persuade yourself or me that selfishness is prudence, and insensibility of danger, security for happiness. 你千万不能为了某一个人而改变原则,破格迁就,也不要千方百计地说服我,或是说服你自己去相信,自私自利就是谨慎,糊涂胆大就等于幸福有了保障。
Because the weathering agent causes the change of integrity and structure of rock mass, the relationship between rock mass structure indexes and weathering zoning is discussed through wave velocity ratio. 风化营力的作用使岩体中次生裂隙增多从而导致岩体完整性、岩体结构的变化,本文以波速比为纽带,研究了两岸坝肩部位岩体结构量化指标与风化分带的关系。
According to the change of the chemical properties and the mechanical properties obtained from the tests, the simulation of interior ballistic and the structural integrity analysis for these motors were conducted. 根据试验测得的推进剂化学性能和力学性能的变化,对不同贮存期的发动机进行了内弹道和结构完整性计算。
RC beam's frequency change's regular with attached load was studied. Through alternate test of static load and dynamic load on RC beam, the frequency change disciplinarian from integrity to destroy of RC beam was studied. 研究了不同附加荷载下混凝土梁的频率变化规律,及通过对钢筋混凝土梁进行不同荷载等级下静载和动载的交替试验,研究了混凝土梁从完整到破坏的频率变化规律。
Effect of Seed Aging on Change of Genetic Integrity in Maize, Barley and Wheat Germplasm Accessions 种子老化影响玉米、大麦、小麦种质遗传完整性变化的研究
Effect of seed aging on the change of genetical integrity for different germination ratio Medicago ruthenica germplasm was analyzed by ISSR markers. 2采用ISSR分子标记,对老化处理后不同发芽率水平的扁蓿豆种质进行遗传完整性分析。
At last, when improving legislation, we should also strengthen publicity of conception of the rule of law and education of network of employees to change the passive law-abiding, drilling loopholes habits and improve the ability to operate in compliance with the law of business integrity. 最后,在完善立法的同时,要加强对网络从业人员的法治宣传教育,转变被动守法,钻法律漏洞的陋习,提高依法经营诚信经营的能力。
In the hydro-chemistry monitoring, the synchronization change of anion of drip water is also the evidence for the integrity of cave environment, but the different ranges of data and unsynchronized drip velocity in each site is the evidence for the complication of drip water channel. 在水化学背景监测当中,洞内滴水阴离子变化的同步性也证明了洞穴环境的整体性,但数值范围不同及各个滴水点滴率的不同步性,表明洞内滴水管道的复杂性。
The change of total N, P could only exert effect on some Deuteromycetes populations and had little effect on the amount and biodiversity of the integrity Deuteromycetes. 总氮、总磷的变化只对半知菌部分种群的数量产生影响,对半知菌整体的数量以及多样性的影响不明显。
The unique structures within NiO nanospheres not only accommodate the volume change of charge/ discharge process to maintain the structure integrity of materials, but also shorten Li+ diffusion pathways. 2. 这种结构的NiO纳米球不仅可以缓冲充放电过程中的体积变化以维持材料结构的完整性,而且还缩短了锂离子的扩散路径。
But this change is the lack of consideration about impact of the environment and social considerations, the lack of need to improve other aspects of the coordination and integrity considerations. 但是这种改变却缺乏对整个环境与社会的影响的考虑,缺乏与其他需要改进方面的协调性方面的考虑。